Sunday, 10 February 2013


IB: A Springboard To Success

The result of a research conducted by Australian Council for Education Research (ACER) on the IB Diploma Programme (DP) graduates undertaking tertiary studies in Australia suggests that “IB DP graduates progress through university studies at higher rates than non-IB cohorts and that IB DP graduates are more likely than non-IB DP graduates to complete their degree within five years.”
  • The study also indicates:From 2006/07 to 2010/11, IB applicants to the universities increased by an average of 67% 
  • IB DP students were more likely to be offered admission. 
  • IB scores converted to ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank) had higher correlations to GPAs than non-IB group scores.
Earlier studies,  undertaken by  organizations such as the University of Chicago, the Higher Education Statistic Agency, UK, and SRI International, also show that “IB DP student postsecondary success is positive in terms of high university admission rates, high university graduation rates and higher rates of progression throughout their university education.”
To know more regarding the ACER study please click here

Another study conducted by the University of Virginia, USA reported the following findings:
  • The IB’s extended essay does have an effect on student’s research confidence and willingness to engage in future research.
  • Former IB students felt strongly that the IB extended essay prepared them to conduct various facets of the research process 
  • A statistically significant relationship existed between extended essay scores and first-semester and final-semester college GPAs, after controlling for background characteristics.
This research indicates that “This study joins a growing body of research pointing to the positive impact the IB Diploma Programme has on students preparing for a successful university career.” For detailed report please click here

Another study conducted by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) on IB students’ success at UK higher-education institutions also proves that IB graduates "were more likely than their peers with A-levels to enrol at one of the top 20 higher-education institutions in the UK. Once enrolled, IB students obtained a higher percentage of first-class honours and upper-second-class honours than A-level students." Please click here for more information on this research.

Dear members of MUAFAKAT, if you have reservations on the capability of IB Diploma Programme and the duration of two years through which our boys and girls have to endure, please reassess your reservations. IB Diploma Programme indeed has produced superior students in term of skills and capabilities which are required for the excellent accomplishment in their future university studies. Let’s support KMB and your boys and girls all the way to their success: 100% fly to the intended over sea universities.

Wishing all the best to IB students.


  1. Thanks Dr Izad for your comment.I believe your IB experience has helped you in your endeavour to become an excellent graduate and surgeon.Please assist our current IB students and Muafakat.
